1) It really is akin to blaming the gun for killing the person instead of the person firing it. Not only that, unlike a gun, whose sole purpose is to fire, Robert's Rules is a tool whose purpose is orderly discussion, productive debate, and working towards the unity of the greater whole.
2) We are talking about a convention with close to 1,000 voting delegates, I am not sure there is any system of governance for such a meeting that would not fall into similar challenges.
3) The formality of Robert's Rules is NOT meant to shackle debate or to oppress voices it is meant to encourage debate and allow for voices to be heard.
Instead of blaming the weapon, this is a great time to ask ourselves what caused Mom to be pointing it at Dad in the first place. Why do we feel the need to use rules as weapons of division rather than as tools of unity?
I am a huge fan of working to reach a consensus and I am a strong believer in the work that the Holy Spirit can do in a gathering of people. But NO model exists that will change people's minds and force consensus. I was a part of a group of seven that needed to a consensus on who was to represent the group to a larger meeting. Three of us believed that we really were the best person to represent the group (ten years later I am willing to admit I might have been wrong on my beliefs at the time). We spent hours debating the process and ultimately came to a conclusion that I should represent the group but I do not believe we really reached consensus (that everyone thought I was actually the best person for it). Even with the consensus I believe there is a chance that others may have felt like "losers" despite the fact that without a vote we could not point to clear winners and losers.
The problem with winners and loser is not Robert's Rules, it is each of us. It starts with the fact that each of us generally thinks we are right about something (if we thought we were wrong we would likely try and come up with a different idea). We then usually look for any tools we can to make sure the right decision is the one that is made ... or keep people from making a wrong decision. I think this comes from a lack of trust. I see this in myself a lot. It is easy to look over matters and feel like I know what the best solution to a problem is and then grow frustrated if others do not see it that way. The next step is to start thinking about how to change their minds, to fix things, or otherwise move things in the direction I want them to go. Robert's Rules can be great for that. A person who is knowledgeable about Robert's Rules as many more tools at their disposal than someone who does not. The problem does not lie with Robert's Rules, it lies with each of us, failing to trust the wisdom of a greater body. I know that the body is not always wise in its decisions, but maybe we need to think more about what that means, then blaming Robert's Rules for getting us there, because after all, if they are really causing harm, Robert's Rules makes it pretty easy to set them aside if that would be better for the group.
My personal challenge, as I get ready for two large meetings is to think about how I can get past that desire to win and use Robert's Rules I believe they are intended to be used ... for the good of the body
1 comment:
Thanks, Jeff. I heartily concur. Robert's Rules is not perfect, but it is a good tool for large group decision making. Like any tool, the spirit of those using it matters.
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